Read Book Lyman Reloading Data Loads Cast Bullet Using a grain JSP bullet, Lyman data shows a starting load of grains of IMR for a MV of fps. RCBS Cast Bullet Manual Number 1. An Introduction to the Casting and Loading of Cast Bullets for Rifle and Handgun Hardcover – January 1, by RCBS Research Staff; Omark Industries (Author), B/w Illustrations (Illustrator) out of 5 stars/5(11). · I just don't find very much reloading data for cast bullets in my Reloading Manuals. I have in my Reloading Manual collection now: Modern Reloading 2nd Ed by Richard LEE. Lyman Reloading Handbook, 45th Ed. Lyman Reloading Handbook, 49th Ed. Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook, 3rd Ed. I have looked on some of the Powder Manufacturer's web site.
Downloads. Targets More. Below are some useful downloads provided by the Cast Bullet Association for shooters casters. This link will take you to the Winzip website and free download. DOS-based Ballistic Program, Full featured with graph- plotting etc. CBA Style Target, orange bull. Score Style Target. Load data sight in target. Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook 3rd Edition Ocr Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Training, Load, reloading. The Lyman Cast Bullet Manual, 1st Edition ($ off E-Bay depending on condition) The latter two are spiral bound and finding one in good condition is very hard. RCBS Cast Bullet Manual The RCBS Cast Bullet Manual, hardbound. ($ off E-Bay) This manual is a great book and covers many of the powder that the Lyman books do not.
“I read that this is a good resource for Cowboy Action Shooting reloading data.” Kevin D. 6 months ago. Below are some useful downloads provided by the Cast Bullet Association for shooters casters. Load data sight in target. Historic Loading Manuals. Every manual also lists magnum pistol primers except Nosler uses WLP. Reloading. The min. Alliant # is another good powder for cast bullet loads.