Aeronca 7AC Champion Pilot Operating Handbook NE SN7AC THIS HANDBOOK INCLUDES THE MATERIAL REQUIRED TO BE FURNISHED TO THE PILOT BY FEDERAL AIR REGULATIONS AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. This handbook meets GAMA Specification No. 1, SPECIFICATION FOR PILOTS File Size: 1MB. Aeronca Champ, Chief, Sedan, L-3 (O), L, Defender, C-2, C-3, Mod, series K et al. We promote these capable and historic aircraft through their preservation and maintenance, and celebrate their History. The Aeronca Aviators Club welcomes all owners, pilots and enthusiasts of these fine aircraft. American Champion Aircraft Corp. Rochester, WI Service Letter: , Revision A 1 of 4 Date: Ma Title: Conversion of 7ECA, 7GCAA and 7GCBC to Lycoming OB2B or Equivalently Provisioned Engine per TCDS E Models: 7ECA, Models and Up 7GCAA and 7GCBC, to Models.
Aeronca Parts Lists Aeronca Tandem Trainer (Model T) / YO series (continued) Model TC / TC Group Drawing List of the Models TC and TC for the Civil Aeronautics Authority (ACA ; Jul rev. Sep 2, ) 25 $ Aeronca Champ, Chief, Sedan, L-3 (O), L, Defender, C-2, C-3, Mod, series K et al. We promote these capable and historic aircraft through their preservation and maintenance, and celebrate their History. The Aeronca Aviators Club welcomes all owners, pilots and enthusiasts of these fine aircraft. Aeronca. NOTE ON MODEL ELIGIBILITY: Wag-Aero has made every effort possible to detail installation eligibility for Aeronca parts based upon the best information we have available. If you are uncertain as to whether a specific OEM part number may be installed on your aircraft, you must consult either your aircraft owner or service manuals, or.
Citabria, Decathlon, Scout and Champ Publications B, Aeronca 7AC Champ Operator, Service Parts Manual Reproduced in the original 17" wide. AERONCA AIRCRAFT CORPORATION. SERVICE AND PARTS DEPARTMENT. MIDDLETOWN, OHIO, U.S.A.. Flying Books, Publishers Wholesalers, Coronation Rd., Eagan. Your kit contains the following parts. Please check your kit for any missing or damaged parts before starting construction. COMPLETE KIT PARTS LIST 1 Plan.