ifconfig Command Options Used With DHCP Client. The ifconfig command enables you to: Start the DHCP client – The command ifconfig interface dhcp start initiates the interaction between the DHCP client and DHCP server to obtain an IP address and a new set of configuration options. This might be useful when you change information that you want a client to use immediately, such as when you add . I now need to switch between DHCP and an address quite often. I know I can easily give a port an address via ifconfig eth0 x.x.x.x netmask x.x.x.x, but, is there an alternative that can be used in order to set a port to use DHCP? 12 rows · · Displays all current TCP/IP network configuration values and refreshes .
When a computer connects to a network it will try to ask for an IP address. This is done by sending out a DHCP request where it asks if there are any available DHCP servers on the network. If any DHCP server responds then the computer will use DHCP to ask for an IP address and all the other necessary information it needs from the DHCP server. What about DHCP? ifconfig can only assign a static IP address to a network interface. If you want to assign a dynamic IP address using DHCP, use the dhclient command. Technical description. ifconfig is used to configure the system's kernel-resident network interfaces. It is used at boot time to set up interfaces as necessary. The ifconfig command is the DHCP utility program that is found in Unix-based operating systems. It allows you to configure your TCP/IP address parameters, and to control and query it in general. If you’re familiar with Windows operating systems, you might recognize the ipconfig command that lets you access the Windows DHCP client.
Comparing Static to Dynamic IP Addressing · Note that the ip utility replaces the ifconfig utility because the net-tools package (which provides. If you ifconfig and look at the flags listed, you may be able to find "DHCP" - this may be a little more generic across distros · @BigChris. AP What is the command of Linux equivalent to Windows's “ ipconfig /renew ” command? You need to use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client.